How to play
Ryuten at its core is a very simple game. It is recommended that you read about the elements before you continue with this section. These are some key terms which will help you get going with the game quickly.
All the elements consist of energy. More the amount of energy an element is made up of, bigger the size of that element will be. Particles have very little amount of energy in them, while orbs can hold a very big amount of energy.
Bigger elements can absorb smaller elements into them and grow more big.
A player can "split" own orbs to divide or defuse them into two equal and smaller orbs whose energy sums back up to the parent orb's energy.
Orbs can "eject" microrbs (micro orbs) out of themselves. This is a useful way to transfer energy from one orb to another but keep in mind that with each microrb ejection, you lose a little amount of energy.
There are four types of elements present and each have some different properties. DIfferent type of element may interact differently with each others.
Particles are the smallest and harmless type of element spread across all over the world. They are helpful in growing when you are very small.
Ill Orb
Ill orbs are harmless for smaller orbs but can explode an orb bigger than them into multiple pieces. They do not interact with particles. Microrbs can be used to clone ill orbs. Players can use them as a strategical tool to conquer bigger players.
A player gets to control orbs. This type of element interacts with all the type of elements. Orbs of the same player are harmless to each other but a bigger orb of a different player can absorb your orbs and increase own energy level.
Microrbs are like small orbs except that they do not absorb other elements but orbs and ill orbs can absorb them.
Ryuten has 3 different game modes each having some different properties but still being same at its core.
This is a classic style casual mode where you try to absorb other players' energy into yourself and become #1 on the leaderboard.
Ultra Fission
Ultra fission is like classic mode except that orbs can grow alot bigger in size and a player can have a maximum of 64 orbs at a time as compared to 16 in the classic mode.
Fight with other multiboxing players in this round based game mode and get ranked against everyone.
Ranking systems
There are two ranking systems being used in the Beta Season. Classic, Ultra Fission and Instant Merge use the same ranking ranking system, i.e. the experience points (XP) system. Multibox 1v1 uses the ryuten points (RP) system. The live rankings for both the systems is available to see here.
XP Ranking System
Players earn experience points (XP) when they play in Classic and Ultra Fission gamemodes. These points get added to your previously earned XP everytime you make more of them. XP is never negative, meaning it never decreases but only increases with time. More the XP you have, more higher you will be in the rankings. You can gain more XP and at a faster speed by taking these points into consideration:
  • Your energy amount during your game sessions affect your XP gain speed. Having more energy means gaining XP faster.
  • Since XP stacks up over time, playing for more time simply means gaining more XP.
RP Ranking System
Players earn ryuten points (RP) when they play in FFA gamemode. This system is based on ELO Rating System. Every player starts with base 1000RP. Winning a match increases your RP while losing a match decreases your RP and therefore, unlike XP, RP decreases too. The amount gained or lost depends on your RP and all of your your opponents' RP.
  • Winning against higher RP* players gains you more points as compared to winning against lower RP players.
  • Similarly, losing against lower RP* players makes you lose more points as compared to losing against higher RP players.
*opponent's RP as compared to your RP.
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